Axis Deer are one of the most pristine of all the exotic deer, with a beautiful three by three horn configuration towering up to 40 inches tall. This is a must for any hunter’s trophy room.
Axis Deer are originally from Europe and were imported in the 1800’s. Their unique spotted coat makes them one of the most beautiful of all the deer species.
Bucks shed their horns on their birthday with rut taking place from July until September. Axis can weigh in excess of 250 lbs and stand more than 50 in tall. Axis deer are elusive and can be a great challenge to the experienced hunter. This magnificent animal can be seen on most days at Wilderness Hunting Lodge.
Wild Russian Boar
Wild Russian Boar
Razorback Boar
Razorback Boar
Fallow Deer
Fallow Deer
Axis Deer
Axis Deer
Black Buck Antelope
Black Buck Antelope
Sika Deer
Sika Deer
Texas Dall Ram
Texas Dall Ram
Merino Ram
Merino Ram
Black Hawaiian Ram
Black Hawaiian Ram
Corsican Ram
Corsican Ram
Mouflon Ram
Mouflon Ram
Spanish & Catalina Goats
Spanish & Catalina Goats
Bull Elk
Bull Elk
Red “Stag” Deer
Red “Stag” Deer
Water Buffalo
Water Buffalo
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