If you are looking at the most bang for the buck, then the Corsican Ram is were you want to begin. The Corsican is a hybrid sheep that began its history in Texas about 40 years ago. Rams will usually be brown with a black or white belly. Males will often have long black hair on the neck that many call a ruff. The horn configuration on a ram can vary from a tight curl similar to a Mouflon sheep or wide and flaring horn configuration. Horn lengths on a trophy sized animal start at about 30 inches and exceptional specimens can grow horns that can reach the 38 to 40 inch mark.
Wild Russian Boar
Wild Russian Boar
Razorback Boar
Razorback Boar
Fallow Deer
Fallow Deer
Axis Deer
Axis Deer
Black Buck Antelope
Black Buck Antelope
Sika Deer
Sika Deer
Texas Dall Ram
Texas Dall Ram
Merino Ram
Merino Ram
Black Hawaiian Ram
Black Hawaiian Ram
Corsican Ram
Corsican Ram
Mouflon Ram
Mouflon Ram
Spanish & Catalina Goats
Spanish & Catalina Goats
Bull Elk
Bull Elk
Red “Stag” Deer
Red “Stag” Deer
Water Buffalo
Water Buffalo
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